• Zymo-Gel+ is unique product, which can be used in wide range of cropsfor vigorous crop developmentand better yeild. which contains humic, fulvic, amino & seaweed in required quantities.
• Basically it is a pure organic product which contains huge amount of organic carbon & beneficial microbes.
• These organic carbon decreases the nitrogen requirement.
• So it easily provides carbon source to the plants, which very helpful for the multiplication microbes.
• On long term use the usage of pesticides, insecticides becomes low, due to the presence of natural phenolic compounds occurred in seaweeds.
• Natural growth problems were easily arrested by our product.
• Our product contains carbohydrates which recover the plants from severe drought & cold.
• The seaweed gel is also wonderful product for decomposition of natural wastes.
2gm / 1 lt of water & spray.
Drip & Drenchings dosage
250-500 / Acer
Store in a cool & dry place. Keep alway from children.
Zymo-Gel+ is compatible with almost all pesticides & PGP products except with alkaline in nature.